Article 1. General Provisions

  1. This Rule (hereinafter referred to as the "Rule") defines the mechanisms for the prevention of violations of the principles of academic good faith at LEPL Gori State Teaching University (hereinafter "Gori University"), as well as in case of violation, its detection and response mechanisms.
  2. Gori University adheres to the principles of intellectual property and this rule aims to prevent misappropriation of someone else’s work in any form.
  3. It is the duty of the staff and students of Gori University to respect the intellectual property of others, to adhere to the principles of academic good faith and to take care of the reputation and prestige of the institution.
  4. This rule establishes the norms of plagiarism awareness, plagiarism prevention, detection mechanisms and response at Gori University.

Article 2. Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification

  1. Any kind of appropriation and distribution of someone else’s intellectual work, text, idea, concept, visual, audio material, or any kind of data without the indication of the author is not admissible (plagiarism).
  2. It is prohibited to reuse one’s own work without indicate the original source (self-plagiarism).
  3. It is forbidden to falsify data, information or citations in an academic paper (falsification).
  • Copying from other students’ work
  • Using other student’s work as his/her own
  • Aiding or helping other student/ person falsify academic work, documents etc.
  • Unauthorized collaboration;
  • Passing exams instead others;
  • Disclosing confidential information about exam.

Article 3. Informing about plagiarism
To prevent any misconduct or unethical behavior university:

  1. Academic educational programs of Gori University provide for compulsory training courses, which include issues of academic good faith.
  2. Holds informative meetings to prevent academic misconduct or to avoid inappropriate or unethical behavior, to take measures in case of transgressions systematically;
  3. This rule is available on the website of the University and it is a mandatory document at the time of signing the contract for students and academic or administrative staff.
  4. Holds meeting within the framework of teaching or scientific-research components before presenting assessment on fulfilled work or before printing scientific-research articles or to give information on possibilities discovering plagiarism independently.

Article 4. Prevention of plagiarism and mechanisms to fight plagiarism.

  1. Prevention of plagiarism includes several aspects: any work ( Bachelor’s theses, research project, analytical review, research article, Doctoral seminar etc.) presented by the student within the framework of learning component of educational program envisages indicating appropriate sources or any other scientific –research product ( Master’s theses/project, scientific-research project, dissertation , publication etc.) is subjected to mandatory verification to avoid cases of plagiarism by electronic program.
  2. Articles published in the scientific journals of the University are checked in the electronic program of anti-plagiarism, which has a preventive effect on students and academic staff and supervised by the editorial staff, in case of discovering plagiarism, the case is discussed in accordance of this article, paragraph 5.
  3. Supervising lecturer is obliged to check any presented work through electronic program In order to detect plagiarism with the help from administrative staff in some cases,
  4. If the electronic program detects textual similarities and detects a case of plagiarism, responsible lecturer reacts in accordance with syllabus measures ( reprimand, writing the theses/ exam papers again, giving lesser marks, giving 0 points in assessment component, giving negative marks etc.)
  5. Student presents electronic version of scientific-research product, created in the framework of educational program (Master’s project/theses, scientific-research project, dissertation , publication etc.) to the administration of appropriate faculty.
  6. Presented electronic version of the work must contain student’s note that the work does not contain misconducts of academic good faith, it is authentic and quotation is appropriately indicated, academic good faith norms are kept while using research methods.
  7. Faculty is obligated to check traces of plagiarism during 5 days, using electronic program and present findings to student’s scientific supervisor.
  8. Student’s scientific supervisor is obligated to review the findings and give final assessment and recommendation for admitting/ not admitting the work at. public review.
  9. If the case of plagiarism is detected by the supervisor, the case is reviewed in accordance of paragraph 5.
  10. Foundation of starting disciplinary hearing based on misconduct of academic good faith from university staff is: a) complaint with substantial evidence from interested person; b) discovery of any misconduct of academic good faith from university staff.
  11. The case is reviewed despite of time and place of alleged misconduct from university staff.

Article 5. Confirmation of plagiarism and relevant sanction

  1. In case of plagiarism, a commission is formed by the order of Rector, which will be staffed with qualified specialists in the relevant field, both from the staff of University (if there is no conflict of interest) as well as outsiders.
  2. The commission will develop the procedure of the case and after clarifying the case, will issue the relevant conclusion within no more than 10 calendar days after the issuance of the order. The work of the commission should be confidential and should not damage the prestige of the student staff until plagiarism is confirmed.
  3. The Commission is accountable to the Rector of University. The conclusion of the commission shall be notified to the person violating the request (hereinafter referred to as the “violator”), as well as to other persons related to the case.
  4. The violator is given the opportunity to appear before the commission in response. In case the violation is not confirmed, the Rector and the relevant faculty / department will activate all the mechanisms to restore the scientific reputation of the person.
  5. In case of confirmation of the fact of violation of the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the severity of the violation may be determined by the University's internal regulations and the Code of Ethics and the norms of disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the rules established by law.
  6. Due to the fact of plagiarism, it is inadmissible to re-submit a master's thesis removed from public defend or a revised version of it.

Article 8. Final Provisions

  1. Changes and additions to the mentioned rule are made by the resolution of the Academic Council of University.
  2. Students and staff are obligated to familiarize this rule, and the administration is obligated to place the document on the website of the University