Paragraph 1.To acquire student status at LEPL-Gori State Teaching University

  1. To acquire student status on Bachelor’s degree at Gory State Teaching University, LEPL, is based on the results of Unified National Exams for Georgian citizens (Cases otherwise specified by Georgian legislation are excluded)
  2. Acquiring student status on Master’s degree is based on results of Unified Master’s Exams with the test/tests results of appropriate faculty, specified by faculty regulations.
  3. Acquiring student status of Preparatory program in Georgian is based on the results of Ability Test in Azerbaijanian, Armenian,Abkhasian languages.
  4. Acquiring students status for Teachers training educational program is based on the decree # 124/N on subject exam regulations, issued by the Ministry of Education and science of Georgia on September 25, 2015 and test results, determined by the university.
  5. Acquiring student status for integrated program of training teachers of primary education is based on the Unified National Exam test results for Georgian citizens.
  6. Student status is given to students in accordance with Georgian Legislation without participation in Unified National Exams/ Unified Master’s Exams.

Paragraph 2. Mobility procedures in Gory State Teaching University , LEPL

  1. Mobility procedures are fulfilled in accordance with Georgian Legislation
  2. Accepting a student by mobility program is based on the motivated decision of the receiving faculty, which establishes the compatibility of already adopted programs with corresponding programs in Gory State Teaching University. Studying level is determined in accordance with accepted standards by Academic council.
  3. uition fee for the student depends on what faculty he/she chooses to continue studying and the fee is determined accordingly .

Paragraph 3. Students mobility within the University

  1. Student has a right to change the educational program by using mobility within the University.
  2. A student , whose status is terminated has a right of participating in the mobility process at the university.
  3. Mobility process can be realized within the frame of one stage of the education
  4. To participate in mobility process, student has to finish first semester of his/her studying. Time , when the student status is terminated is excluded
  5. Mobility within the University is realized within the frame of the order, issued by the rector of the University
  6. Vacancies of the program is determined by the order, issued by the rector of the university during the mobility process.
  7. More chances for taking vacancies in the studying program will be given to the students , whose results of the unified national exams/unified master’s exams are higher .
  8. If two or more students have same results at the final testing ,they obtain the place by exceeding the vacancies.
  9. Students, who did not pass the unified national exams/unified master’s exams but are studying , or the students, who study preparatory program in Georgian and are willing to receive bachelor’s degree, will be able to participate in mobility program by exceeding the vacancies.
  10. Credit scores are determined by academic council
  11. Students’ transfers are registered by the order, issued by the rector of the University
  12. Tuition fee for the student, transferred by mobility process depends on what faculty he/she chooses to continue studying and the fee is determined accordingly

Paragraph 4. Suspension of student status

1. Reasons for suspension of student status are:
a. Statement of personal nature
b. Failure of registration
c. Medical problems or disability status or any kind of impairment for a long period of time, confirmed by the appropriate institution.
d. Toxemia of pregnancy, documented
e. Studying in another university abroad
f. Neglecting the requirements of the learning process, if he/she does not plead the right of 10:2 of the rule
2. After 5 years of suspension, students status is terminated . (cases, mentioned in the legislation are excluded)

Paragraph 5. Termination of student status

1. Reasons for termination of student status are:
a. Statement of personal nature
b. suspension for 5years or more
c. completing the program on given level
d. students misbehavior, violent conduct towards fellow students or administrative personal
e. obtaining or attempting to obtain exam scores by conning or threatening examinant physically or psychologically or any other unacceptable way
f. decision, made by the faculty counsel , a result of a disciplinary prosecution , that is based on university regulations, ethical code and disciplinary liability norms
g. death of the student
h. Transfer to another university
I. Not receiving credit three times in the same compulsory study course
2. order about the termination of the status is set in motion in 12 months time after issuing the order. During 12 months status is considered suspended and a student can use his/her right to participate in mobility program.
3. If the status is terminated, reinstating is possible in accord with the law.
4. A person, who was not able to complete the course of studying or his/her status was terminated is given an appropriate document.

Paragraph 6. Restoring the status of a student

  1. A Student, who are expelled from the university before February 5,2010, has opportunity to address the university in ten years time to restore his/her status after the termination order is issued. He/she , also, has a right of mobility if the reason of the exclusion is not a cause of regulations on exclusion.
  2. If the student is reinstated ,beginning the studying process or studying fee is determined by the regulations of mobility program and is based on the notification, acquired before the termination
  3. If the student is reinstated, but the student status is suspended ,beginning the studying process or studying fee is determined by the regulations of mobility program and is based on the academic notification.

Paragraph 7. Student engage in the studying

  1. Studying year consists of spring and fall semesters
  2. Before the beginning of studying year, academic council, relied on the resolution, determines administrative registration, classroom studying and exam dates.
  3. Annual engaging in the studying process is reflected in average 60-65 credit
  4. Maximum Credit amount in a semester should not exceed 40 credit. Annual credit amount should not exceed 75 credit.

Paragraph 8. Academic and administrative registration

  1. To obtain the right for participating in the studying process, student must pass academic and administrative registration within the terms, specified by the university.
  2. Academic registration implies student registration on learning courses/ modules and signing the studying contract.
  3. A Student can consult quality assurance representative in the faculty before signing the contract. He /she can use administrative system of studying process, which ensures transparency of the choice.
  4. For a student to participate in registration means that he/she is willing to receive education- gather credits and pay tuition fee in timely manner.
  5. Student can annul an administrative registration no more than two weeks’ time after the studying process is begun. If he /she could not manage to evoke his/her right , a student will not be refunded or will not be able to use the fee for next semesters.
  6. To cancel the registration or change the chosen subject , -these kind of changes student can make in two weeks time, otherwise a student will not be refunded or fee will not be used for another semester.
  7. If the student participates in the studying process voluntarily, it will not be considered as his/ her rights to admit exam results, if the course is not included in the studying contract.

Paragraph 9. Midterm tuition fee

  1. Midterm tuition fee of the university is determined by educational program and studying year as a half of the annual tuition fee , determined by the university and student must pay it within the period mandated by the administrative registration.
  2. Exceptions can be made in accord with the paragraph 9 and with the decree, issued by the rector of the university.
  3. If the total of the academic registration (according to studying contract) of the student/ vocational student is different than 30 credits, midterm tuition fee is determined by credit numbers and based on the annual fee of the program, altogether they are determined by ratio: tuition fee= (annual fee) 60 X (number of credits)
  4. Student who has a scholarship, partially financed by the government, must pay the midterm difference (between the scholarship and the tuition fee) within the timeframe , determined by the administrative registration.
  5. A person, whose status is sustained, in case of reinstatement must renew his/ her contract with the university and tuition fee is determined by the program, he/ she wishes to partake.
  6. In case of mobility program , student must pay tuition fee according to the program cost, he/ she wishes to partake.

Paragraph : 10 continuance of the studying term

  1. A student, who was not able to earn proper qualification within the timeframe of the educational program , is allowed to continue studying and pay personally for his/ her tuition fee.
  2. A student should address dean of the faculty within the timeframe of 10 days after the new term and the dean can determined the level for the student, on the bases of academic note and data of the remained credits will be presented to the rector for issuing the order
  3. In case of continuance of studying , a student’ s tuition fee is determined by the educational program fee , he/ she wishes to study.

Paragraph 11. Midterm evaluation and regulations and ruls of finals

1. A student can only take part in midterm exams or final exams, which is enlisted in his/ her studying contract.
2. Midterm or final exam dates are enlisted in syllabus.
3. Specific dates for exams, conducted by university examination center is determined by head of the center in accordance with the dean of the faculty. The rest of the dates is determined by the dean of the faculty.
4. If the student is absent in the exams and the reason is not valid, or during the exam he/ she does not obey the regulations of the exams (is noticed in plagiarism) will be barred from the exams and will receive 0 credit)
5. Exam results will be known to a student in three days after the exam.
6. A student can appeal in four days period if he/ she does not agree the exam result. A student must present a valid claim to the dean of the faculty. Claim is considered if the student indicates the following:
a. Procedural infraction.
b. Neglect of the established evaluation procedures.
7. Claims Committee, founded by the dean of the faculty, reviews any complaint within two days and makes appropriate decision. Lecturer, who supervises the course, must be invited at the committee meeting with the right to vote. Student, who made a complaint, representatives of students’ self-government and office of student career development and support must attend the meeting.
8. To worsen the decision for the complainant is forbidden.
9.. If the student ,with valid excuse, wishes to postpone the midterm or final exam date , he/ she should address to dean of the faculty and the dean will make changes regarding the date.
10. If a student is absent from the exams, new exam date will be appointed when the reason is justified by the interest of the country or the university. Final decision about the individual exam date is determined by the rector of the university.

Paragraph 12. Evaluation rules of the student’s achievement in Gory State Teaching University, LEPL

Evaluation of a student’s achievement inn teaching components is realized by the following rules
1. 1. To obtain a credit in each teaching components of the program is only possible if it is based on the achievement results , determined by the mid-term and final exam results
2. Total score (100 points) of each form and component of evaluation is determined in share (may be given in percentages) and final evaluation score should be demonstrated in syllabus.
3. To grade the student based only on mid-term test scores/ final test scores is inadmissible. Credit points are given in accord to paragraph 13, art. 8.
4. Each form of evaluation is compiled with evaluation components that, themselves are compiled with methods. Methods are measured with assessment criteria.
5. Assessment components, methods and criteria must be in accordance with educational teaching program components and studying outcome.
6. Each form of evaluation must reflect minimum competency code, given in the teaching syllabus. The sum of minimum competency code might be determined in assessment component. The sum of Minimum competency code and maximum of final score should not be less than 51 points and minimum competency code share should not exceed 60% of the final assessment.
7. Assessment of teaching Component results of educational program must be completed in immediately, the same semester.
8. Grading system consists of five positive points:
a.a) (A) Excellent- 91-100 points.
a.b) (B) Very Good- 81-90 points
a.c) (C) Good- 71-80 points
a.d) (D) Medium- 61-70 points
a.e) (E) Satisfactory -51-60 points.
b) Two kinds of negative assessment:
b.a) (FX) Unsatisfactory- 41-50 points. Which means that a student needs improvement and is allowed to pass the exam one more time after the independent work.
b.b) (F) failed- 40 points .Which means that a student needs improvement and ought to learn the subject from the beginning.
9.. an additional exam must be given to a students with FX grade , no later than 5 days after the result.
10. Additional exam score should not be added to final score.
11. Assessment of additional exam is final and will be reflected in evaluation of educational program components.
12. Considering final score of an additional exam, if the student acquires 0-50 score in final assessment of teaching component it will be transformed accordingly as F-0 score .
13. Dissertation, Master’s project/theses must be assessed with the same or the next semester when the student finishes working on the theses/project.
14. Assessment of the Master’s theses or any other scientific projects/theses of Master’s Education program is fulfilled in accordance with art.8.
15. The assessment of Master’s theses or other scientific projects/theses of Master’s Education program is fulfilled in accordance with art. 8.
16. If the student will receive the assessment of the theses, in accordance with art. 8b , he/she can present the theses in the next semester, in case of the assessment, in accordance with art 8bb, the student will not have the right to present the scientific-research component.
17. Dissertation or other scientific project/ theses of Doctoral education program must be assessed as a whole inn final assessment and must contain appropriate assessment, received during defense and determined by Doctoral regulations.
18. Scientific-research components of Doctoral Education Program must be assessed as follows:
a) Excellent (summa cum laude) – excellent theses-91-100 points;
b) Vary good (magna cum laude)- result, exceeding any given requirements- 81-90 points;
C) Good (cum laude)- result, exceeding given requirements -71-80 points;
d) Medium (bene)- mediocre theses, that meets the main requirements- 61-70 points;
e) Satisfactory (rite)- result, in spite of some flaws, still meets the main requirements- 51-60 points;
f) Unsatisfactory (insufficient)- theses, that does not meet the given requirements- 41-50 points.
19. In accordance with art 18, sub article ‘V’, conditions and deadlines of presenting dissertation theses is determined by the regulation of appropriate doctoral faculty. if the doctoral candidate receives the assessment, envisaged by sub article “z” , he/she will be deprived the right to present the same dissertation theses.

Paragraph 13. Rights and obligations of a student in GSTU,LEPL

1. a) A student can obtain high quality education and participate in scientific research.
b) A student can use material/ technical database, library fund, information and other recourses.
c) A student can obtain thorough information about educational programs and can ask for studying program syllabi.
d) A student has rights for the fair evaluation and by determinate order claim objectionable result.
e) A student can receive qualified consultation from the authorized person about educational programs, courses, exam dates and format.
f) A student can evaluate academic personal, teachers, students ‘attendance.
g) A student can attend some of the courses , in which case his/ her can have better credit result, thus evaluation will be improved.
2. A student has obligations to:
a) Obey university regulations.
b) Obey and fulfill contract conditions with the university
c) Take academic and administrative registration and pay tuition fee in timely manner.
d) A month time give notice to the faculty administrator about changes, made in the ID.
e) Obey ethical and established rules in the university
f) Care for university property.
3. Unethical behavior or misconduct is considered inappropriate and inadequate to a student
31. If the rights of a student is violated in any way by the university personal within the law, student has a right to make a complaint. The complaint will be reviewed by the committee assigned by the rector of the university..

Paragraph 14. Changing/ cancelling an educational program.

  1. If a student wishes to change or cancel the educational program, university can ensure his/ her transfer to another, compatible to the previous program ,based on the existed credits.
  2. If the university does not have a compatible program , it can ensure to draw an agreement with another university and present the decision to the center of quality development, LEPL.

Paragraph 15. Calculating the GPA

  1. To calculate GPA (grade point average) university uses following regulations: GPA for students, who had graduated before 2010, administration office of the university conducts based on the personal statement. Diploma and copies of the enclosures of the diploma must be added to the statement.
  2. Student’s evaluation corresponded with the GPA calculated as follows:

In case of 100 points:





91 - 100



81 - 90



71 - 80



61 - 70



51 - 60


F - FX

0 - 50


In case of 5 point evaluation:



















3. GPA is calculated based on the enclosed information with following rules:
a) Points, gained after each course is multiplied with course credit score.
b) Sum is divided in total credits of all courses taken by the student.
c) Received quantity is a GPA.
4. If the exam does not have points, it will not be used in calculating GPA.

Paragraph 16. Qualification and diploma

  1. After finishing studying, a student is awarded an academic degree
  2. Honors diploma is given to a student if the GPA is no less than 3,5.
  3. Academic degree is signed by the rector of the university, the dean of the faculty and is certified.


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