Personal Details:
Last name: Mghebrishvili
First name: Aleksandre
Date of Birth: 17.04. 1975
Marital Status: Married;
Email address: aleqsandre.m@gmail.com
Education and Qualifications:
1981_1990 _ Tskhinvali Public School #4;
1990_1992 _ Kaspi Public School #3;
1992_1997 _ Tskhinvali Pedagogical Institute, faculty of History and Philology, Georgian language and literature and History Teacher;
1997_1999_Academy of Science, Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature, Graduate Philology;
Academic Degree:
1999._ PH. D IN Philology (TSU)
2003._Assistant Professor;
2005 ._Doctoral thesis Preliminary review: Cultural-literary life of Tskhinvali ( Ossetian- Georgian- Jewish relations in the XX c.
2005 ._ Present – Professor ;
Additional Qualifications and Organizational Work:
1996 - Attestation. Institute of Teachers Qualification and Training, qualification-Teacher of Religious studies and culture;
1998 - A member of Georgian Journalism Association
2000 _ Member of Georgian Writers national union, Tskhinvali Division
2003-2006 _ The Chairmen of Student’s Scientific Group, faculty of Journalism and Georgian Literature, Tskhinvali State University
2003-2006 _ The Chairmen of post graduate and young scientists council, Tskhinvali State University
2003-2005 _ Member of Scientific Council, Tskhinvali State University
2007 _ Council member of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law , Tskhinvali State University
2007 - Member of academic council, Tskhinvali State University
2007 -_ Council member of the faculty of social sciences, business and law, GSTU
2008 _ Supervisor of Bachelors’ program in Journalism, the faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law, GSTU
2008-2010 - Member of academic council, GSTU
2016 - Member of Georgia Writers Association ;
From March 15, 2018 to March 18, 2018 – The 7th Caucasus University Association Congress participant, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey. (Ord. #3/m-18, 13.03.2018);
2019 -Recipient of Niko Nikoladze Award, Georgia Writers Association
2019 -Member of Georgian National Academy of Science ;
2019 -Representative of Georgia and Permanent Member of Editorial Board, impact factor scientific journal „KARADENİZ“ (AN INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, BLACK SEA), Turkey, (ISSN: 1308-6200 WEB: www.dergikaradeniz.com; dergipark.gov.tr/kdeniz).
2019 - Turkish international scientific journal, Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science (ISSN: 2618-6640) Member of Editorial Board;
2019 -Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogic Academy, the first international scientific-practical web-forum, 26-28 March, 2019, "The Development of the Unified Information Space in Lifelong Education" , Scientific program committee member.
2019 წ. - Ilia Chavchavadze Public Library, Kutaisi, annual publication editorial board member; (ISSN 1987-9288)
2019 -Certificate of Appreciation, Scientific Academy of Ukraine /( For supporting innovative strategies in education and participation in international forums ) (Наказ НЦ, “МАНУ”, вiд03.09.2019 №154);
Professional Experiences:
1995-1999 – Georgian Language and History Teacher at Village Metekhi, Kaspi;
1997-1998 – Religious studies and culture teachers at Gori Mational School “ Nergebi”
1998 – senior correspondent of literary Tskhinvali, Newspaper;
1999 _2007 _ Doctor, Professor, GSTU;
2000_2007- _ Doctor, Full Professor, Tskhinvali State University;
2006-_2007_ Acting Principle of Gori public school #5;
2007 _2010-Principle of Gori public school #5
2007-_2010- Full Professor of Gori State Teaching University;
2010 to Present– Full Professor of Gori State University;
2010 -Acting Rector of Gori State University
2011-present- Deputy Rector of Gori State University;
2019 – Rector of Gori State Teaching University
2019, VI months – Deputy Rector of Gori State Teaching University
2006 - Association “School-family-society” Training “Legal Issues of General Educational Institutions”;
2007 -Training of Georgian Public School Principles, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science;
2008 -“Fundamentals of Organizational Management and Managerial Skills” a training organized by the Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia
2008 -Organizations’ Financial Management, a training organized by the Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia;
2008 - Psychology of Crises in use, training organized by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and UNICEF;
2008 –Modern Methods of Teaching, -a training of EPPM AND Refugee Problem Research and Advocacy Educational network;
2009 -Coordinated Public Responsibility on Domestic Violence,- a training organized by BGRF and AVNG;
2009 - The international Seminar of Scientific Research Methodology, Federal Institute of Switzerland, TSU and CEED;
Participation in the international and local research projects:
# Name Donors Responsibilities Duration
1. Historical representation of the occupied territories of Shida Kartli, Big Liakhvi Gorge - Grant N. OTG -I -19-747 - Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia - Coordinator - 12/2019-03/2021
2. Examination of the ancestral history of the Makarashvilis Culture and Tourism Development Agency, Gori Municipality Coordinator 01/04//2021-30/11/2021
3. Historical representation of the occupied territories of Shida Kartli, Little Liakhvi Gorge. Grant N OTG -I -19-747 Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia Coordinator 15/09/2021-15/09/2022
4. International Arts Festival “Machabeli”-Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth- member of the organizing Board - 2022
5. Historical representation of the occupied territories of Shida Kartli, Ksani Gorge, Grant N OTG-I-22-254 Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia Coordinator 15/07/2022-14/07/2023
6. Enhancing University’s Capabilities to give the better support to pre-school inclusive and General Education sphere UNICEF Georgia Coordinator 20/06/2022 – 20/03/2023
7. International Arts Festival “Machabeli”-Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth- member of the organizing Board - 2023
8. Archeology with youth Culture and Tourism Development Agency, Gori Municipality Coordinator 01/02/2023 – 02/01/2024
9. Long Forgotten Work in Tskhinvali Region, Chrestomathy (the XIX c. and the first ten years of the XX c.) GSTU Project Supervisor 2022
10. Students’ folk Expedition in Shida Kartli, Refugee Settlement GSTU Project Supervisor 2021
11. Shida Kartli 5 Substantial Families GSTU Researcher 2022
12. The unknown writings of Georgian general and public figure Ilia Makarashvili – Gori State University – Coordinator – 2024
13. International Arts Festival “Machabeli”-Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth - Project Manager - 2024
Coordinating Projects and Programs at Gori University :
N Project and Program Name Duration
1. TEMPUS Project 544047-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-GE TEMPUS JPGR “Project Actor Capacity Training in Caucasus” 2014-2016
2. TEMPUS La Manche: leading and managing Change in Higher Education TEMPUS IV, Call 5 (530621-TEMPUS-1-2012-1BG-TEMPUS-JPGR 2012- 2015
3. TEMPUS Internationalization in Central Asia and the Eastern Neighboring Area (ICAEN) Proposal 516663-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-ES-TEMPUS-SMGR - Tempus IV 4th call for proposals EACEA/32/2010 2011-2015
4. Erasmus + CBHE RURD - 609741-EPP-1-2019-1-GE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP 2019-2022
5. Erasmus + CBHE Creating Psychological Consultation Centers for Students in Higher Educational Institutions of Georgia E-PSY (617980-EPP-1-2020-1-GE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) 2021-2023
6. Erasmus + CBHE SQUARE – Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the 3rd mission in Georgian Universities 2021-2024
7. Erasmus + CBHE - Redirecting higher education through digital context and common inclusive and green structure integration, based on the best practice and policy recommendations of the EU. (PROJECT N: 101128509 — RE-DIRECTION — ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE)
8. Erasmus + CBHE Highly Influential and accountable Universities in Georgia as sustainable development and entrepreneurial catalysts” (project N: #: 101125355 — RiHEI —ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE)
9. Erasmus + CBHE Promoting High-quality Digital Education in Georgia (PRODIGE) – 2024-2027
Aleksandre Mghebrishvili is an author of more then 100 scientific works and 200 newspaper articles.