ბიოპოლიტიკის საერთაშორისო ორგანიზციის ელექტრონული სწავლების პროგრამა

19 ნოემბერი, 2014

Biopolitics International Organisation  e-Learning  Program
Course Announcement and Call for Registrations

The Biopolitics International Organisation - 8.1.0. (www.biopolitics.gr) offers a series of e-learnlng courses aiming to enrich all human activity with environmental thinking. The courses span a variety of fields and are offered completely free of charge. They are designed for students and professionals seeki ng to enrich their knowledge of environmental issues and policy.

The courses are offered through a specially designed e-leaming platform. http://elearoing.bjooolitics.gr/ which you may visit to pre-register for the course(s) of your choice. Detailed, step-by-step,  information on how to register is available on the platform. Please note that not all courses are offered every term and that new courses may be added. You need to check the platform regularly for the exact dates that the courses will be offered, as well as for new information and updates.

The following three courses are available for immediate registration:
-  Green Salaries for Green Cities
- Environmental Dimensions in Food and Agriculture
- Green Salary- Reversing Unemployment through Environmenta l Protection
Each course features a detailed overview of key concepts, international examples and case studies, a bibliography and references section, self-test questions, a final exam, and a certificate of completion.

For close to 30 years, and with the help of friends and supporters in 151 countries, 8.1.0. works hard to place the environment at the core of every academic and professional initiative. Through new educational and economic paradigms, and new institutional frameworks for environmental  protection, the hope is to inspire responsible and committed leadership.

For more details and information about 8.1.0. and its many activities and projects, please visit www.biopolitics.gr


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