Curriculum "EU, Association Agreement and Legal Approximation"
08 May,2021Within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module “"EU Explored in Association Agreement"/EUEAA” the ცurriculum “EU, Association Agreement and Legal Approximation” has been integrated into different educational programs of the Gori State Teaching University.
The curiculum is impelemnted in three groups:
- Law master students (6 credit, 42 hours direct contact hours);
- Public Administration Master Students (6 credit, 42 direct contact hours)
- Business Administration bachalor students (5 credit, direct 38 contact hours).Totally, Srping semester of 2021 counts 52 students and 122 hours (lectures/teaching and seminars).
The topics under curriculum are:
- Faoundation of the EU, development, enlargement, values, objectives.
- EU-Georgia relations dynimic (started from 1996 (PCA) till nowdayes, among ENP, EaP, Mobility Partnerhsip, VLAP, AA/DCFTA and etc.).
- Association Agreement as a Georgian International treaty and its role in national legilation.
- EU law system, sources, primary legislation, secondary legislation sources and their implementation nature.
- EU political bodies.
- AA structure and organization system, political, trade and sectoral parts of the AA.
- Legal Approximation sense, Gradual Approximation, Dynamic Approximation, 3 stages of legal approximation (legillative process, implementation, enforcement).
- Compliance table
- Sustainable Development “formula” in AA/DCFTA and its role in legal approximation.
- DCFTA, goals, results.
- Trade, export-import policy, sense of “produced in Georgia”.
- Competition policy and free market.
- Different sectoral field: labour, employment, consumer, transport, education, others.
- Internal Market of the EU and Free movement of goods.
- CJEU and cases
- Coordination system in Georgia related to EU integration and AA/DCFTA implementation.
- EU-Georgia political dialog formats.
- European Integration policy monitoring by civil cociety.
- Forms and amount of the EU assistance and aid.