Curriculum "EU, Association Agreement and Legal Approximation"

08 May,2021

Within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module “"EU Explored in Association Agreement"/EUEAA” the ცurriculum “EU, Association Agreement and Legal Approximation” has been integrated into different educational programs of the Gori State Teaching University.

The curiculum is impelemnted in three groups:

  1. Law master students (6 credit, 42 hours direct contact hours);
  2. Public Administration Master Students (6 credit, 42 direct contact hours)
  3. Business Administration bachalor students (5 credit, direct 38 contact hours).Totally, Srping semester of 2021 counts 52 students and 122 hours (lectures/teaching and seminars).

The topics under curriculum are:

  • Faoundation of the EU, development, enlargement, values, objectives.
  • EU-Georgia relations dynimic (started from 1996 (PCA) till nowdayes, among ENP, EaP, Mobility Partnerhsip, VLAP, AA/DCFTA and etc.).
  • Association Agreement as a Georgian International treaty and its role in national legilation.
  • EU law system, sources, primary legislation, secondary legislation sources and their implementation nature.
  • EU political bodies.
  • AA structure and organization system, political, trade and sectoral parts of the AA.
  • Legal Approximation sense, Gradual Approximation, Dynamic Approximation, 3 stages of legal approximation (legillative process, implementation, enforcement).
  • Compliance table
  • Sustainable Development “formula” in AA/DCFTA and its role in legal approximation.
  • DCFTA, goals, results.
  • Trade, export-import policy, sense of “produced in Georgia”.
  • Competition policy and free market.
  • Different sectoral field: labour, employment, consumer, transport, education, others.
  • Internal Market of the EU and Free movement of goods.
  • CJEU and cases
  • Coordination system in Georgia related to EU integration and AA/DCFTA implementation.
  • EU-Georgia political dialog formats.
  • European Integration policy monitoring by civil cociety.
  • Forms and amount of the EU assistance and aid.