The fifth international literature festival in Trebizond
13 April,2021
Union of the Writers of the Black sea region has organized the fifth international literature festival from April 4th through April 24 where literature topics of 18 countries will be reviewed. The honorary guest of the festival will be Georgia this year and the ceremony is dedicated to Georgian poet Tariel Kharkhelauri. The chairman of the union Mrs. Esma Ala Turkman opened the festival and gave a brief history and objectives of the event to participants. Mr. Giorgi Sosiashvili attended the festival and gave a speech on Turkish-Georgian relations and accentuated on the importance of such relations. Mr. Harun Cickme reviewed Georgian-Turkish literary relations, activities etc. the guest of the event, Mr. Tariel Kharkhelauri expressed his gratitude toward organizers and talked about his work. The main presenter of the second day was Mr. Giorgi Sosiashvili, with his theses on The role of literature and dialogue of Georgian-Turkish Culture. A discussion took place at the end of the speech.