Public Lecture at The National Library of Georgia
30 May,2017
On May 30,2017 Mr. Andzej Duda, the President of Poland held a public lecture at The National Library of Georgia. As he conveyed in his speech, relationship between Poland and Georgia has been special since the 19th century, when Polish citizens, exiled to Georgia used to fined this country their second home as Georgians were active members of Polish Army. He accentuated on the fact that, Poland had always been the avid supporter of Georgia's choice to be an active member in European and Euro Atlantic integration process. Mr. Giorgi Sosiashvili was invited officially to the lecture where he personally thanked the president for his support for out county , discussed close and effective relationship between Warsaw University and GSTU. At the end of the meeting Mr. Sosiashvili gave the President his newly translated book „ The Barbed Wire“.