Plenary Session
31 October,2018
The second international Scientific Symposium is organized by Gori State Teaching University and Turkish Historical Society from October 30 to November 1, 2018. The main subject of the Symposium is "Georgian-Turkish Relationship (Georgian-Turkish Relationship in the Middle Ages)"
Representatives of nine Turkish universities and six Georgian universities were invited to participate in the Symposium. A plenary session was held on the second day of the Symposium. Twelve works were presented in sections.
It should be noted that teachers of Gori Municipality Public Schools were attended the first working day of the Symposium. They and the other participants of the Symposium were awarded Joint Certificates at the closing ceremony of the event. Professor Giorgi Sosiashvili, Rector of Gori State Teaching University and Prof. Ibrahim Telgiooglu, member of the Turkish Society of Sciences thanked the participants and organizers of the Symposium. They also summarized the two-day work and expressed the willingness of further cooperation. The works presented in the international Symposium "Georgian-Turkish Relations" will be published in a collection of scientific works. The collection will be published by the newly established publishing house of Gori University.