Jubilee at GSTU
13 April,2018
On April, 12, a jubilee of prof. Gedevan Khelaia, a former rector of the university , was held at GSTU. The event was opened by Prof. Giorgi Sosiashvili who gave lengthy talk on Gedevan Khelaia’s work and pedagogical activities in Gori University. About his dedication to the university and to the city. He was a rector of the university from 1989 to 2005 , during those years university was awarded the status of Economic University and later, State University. Mr. Giorgi Khorbaladze, Mr. Giorgi Jibuti, Mr. Nika Vacheishvili, Mr. Robert Maglakelidze, poet Jemal Injia, Mrs. Lia Mamulashvili, Prof. Aleksandre Iashvvili, Prof. Paata Kurdadze, Mrs. Tea Khorguashvili also gave speeches and talked on Mr. Khelaia ‘s accomplishments. At the end of the event Mr. Khelaia thanked the audience and guest for their kind words and appreciation. The event was led by Prof. Tsiuri Duruli.
Gori University congratulates Mr. Gedevan Khelaia on his 90 year anniversary and wishes him good health and happiness in life.