GSTU Celebrates The 133rd Anniversary of David Uznadze
25 December,2019
On December 23, 2019, a celebratory event , dedicated to the 133rd anniversary of David Uznadze, took place at GSTU. Students and lecturers of the faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law, organized it and emphasized years, when the world famous Georgian scientist worked at Gori University, Prof. Nana Tskhvedadze provided the photo, taken during the lecture at Gori University and she demonstrated so called " Uznadze Effect". Photo and video recordings were shown during the event. The event was opened by Prof. Giorgi Khorbaladze, Prof. Marika Sherazadishvili and Prof. Ketevan Lomsadze also gave speeches and talked David Uznadze's role in development of Georgian Psychology. After the event, Dimitry Uznadze Auditorium was opened at GSTU, third build.