Books Presentation
21 March,2018
On March 20, 2018 , the center of youth and culture , Gory Municipality and City Hall organized two books presentation “ The Tunnel of light” and “ The Grave Digger” written by Prof. Giorgi Sosiashvili’s. It took place at Writer’s House. The Grave Digger is about the war, depicting Georgian-Ossetian Relations. The Tunnel of Light is a collection of short stories. The evening was opened by the director of Writer’s House Mrs. Marina Jaliashvili, who gave lengthy talk on Sosiashvili’s work and his role , as a writer and as a Gory citizen in Georgia's life. Giorgi Nadibaidze, the director of Gory youth and culture center, the editor of the book “ The Tunnel of Light”, Mrs Tamar Gelitashvili; , the editor of the book “ the Grave Digger” Prof. Iosef Chumburidze, Poets: Jemal Injia and Zaur Tsakadze, Prof. Ioseb alimbarashvili, Marine Tsertsvadze, Maia Bolashvili, Tamila Gogoladze, Giorgi Khorbaladze also gave speeches during the event. At the end of the evening, Sosiashvili was awarded with Giorgi Eristavi price. Writers, poets, literary circle of Gory, students and teachers of GSTU attended the event